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Josh Weller - An examination of triarchic psychopathy scales


Because the construct of psychopathy is of chief interest across different disciplines, spanning developmental, clinical, and forensic psychology, its assessment bears far-reaching implications. One prominent contemporary conceptualization of psychopathy, the Triarchic Model, posits that a psychopathic personality encompasses three phenotypic constructs: boldness, meanness, and disinhibition.  The present study examined the longitudinal measurement invariance and the construct validity of triarchic psychopathy scales (MPQ-Tri) in a large and diverse high-risk sample (N = 716) across four time points from age 16 to age 25. On balance, the present findings suggest that the MPQ-Tri scales fulfill their intended purpose, with some noted limitations,and provide grounds for the use of the MPQ-Tri scales in developmentally-informed studies on the etiology and consequences of psychopathy.

Garofalo, C., Weller, J. A., Kirisci, L., Reynolds, M.  (in press). Elaborating on the Longitudinal Measurement Invariance and Construct Validity of the Triarchic Psychopathy Scales from the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire. Psychological Assessment. 

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