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Xingjie Wei & colleagues - The impact of CEO political ideology on labor cost reductions and payout decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic


Xingjie Wei & colleagues have a paper accepted in the Journal of Corporate Finance which examines the effect of CEO political affiliation on decisions during the Covid pandemic. This is the Abstract: Using a hand-collected dataset, we study whether CEO political ideology affected S&P 500 firms’ reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. During the...

UNRISK Cohort 1 - Applications open, deadline 13/01/2025


UNRISK (Understanding Uncertainty to Reduce Climate Risks) a new NERC Centre for Doctoral Training Centre involving University of Leeds, University College London and University of Exeter, will train students with the multidisciplinary knowledge and skills across climate science, data science and decision science to tackle the pressing challenge of reducing the risks associated with rapid...

Andrea Taylor and Barbara Summers - linking CDR to the new UNRISK Centre for Doctoral Training


Andrea Taylor and Barbara Summers are Co-Is on the new UNRISK NERC Centre for Doctoral Training. This centre, Understanding Uncertainty to Reduce Climate Risks, involves University of Leeds, University College London and University of Exeter, and will train students with the multidisciplinary knowledge and skills across climate science, data science and decision science to tackle...

Panagiotis Stamolampros & colleagues - Unveiling public perceptions at the beginning of lockdown


The appearance of the COVID-19 virus in December 2019, quickly escalated into a global crisis, prompting the World Health Organization to recommend regional lockdowns. While effective in curbing the virus’s spread, these measures have triggered intense debates on social media platforms, exposing widespread public anxiety and skepticism. The spread of fake news further fueled public...

CDR at EMS 2024 in Barcelona


CDR had 3 talks at the 2024 EMS (Meteorological Societies in Europe) Annual Meeting in Barcelona. Jack Thompson presented the results of a multi-level analysis of public risk perceptions of climate and weather, based on the Lloyds Register Foundation World Risk Poll and Sarah Jenkins presented work on public perceptions and behaviour in response to...

Wändi Bruine de Bruine - What should we call climate change?


Wändi Bruine de Bruine and Gale Sinatra have a piece in The Conversation which looks at how Americans respond to different terms describing the issue of climate change. Respondents were more familiar with established terms like "climate change" and "glabal warming" and were more concered by these, with alternative terms like "climate crisis" not increasing...

WONV - Non-Market Valuation and Decision Science Workshop


On June 13-14th, CDR has hosted a workshop on non-market valuation and decision sciences. 40 delegates attended this research event and shared their work on innovative choice experiment designs, novel applications and alternative methods for measuring preferences for non-market goods. In addition to 20 presentations, there were keynotes from Wändi Bruine de Bruin and Klaus...

Panagiotis Stamolampros - BA Leverhulme Small Research Grant


This research grant will investigate how data analytics initiatives advocated by companies impact equity prices and firm risk and whether they are beneficial for firm value. The project will investigate whether resources allocated to analytics departments are appreciated in the stock market and whether they can drive gains for equity holders or reduce their risks.

Smart Decisions: A Structured Approach to Decision Analysis Using MCDA - by Sajid Siraj, Richard Hodgett, Ellen Louise Hogg


The textbook Smart Decisions: A Structured Approach to Decision Analysis using MCDA, covers the fundamentals of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis methods. Each chapter introduces a core MCDA method and guides the reader through a step-by-step approach to the implementation of the method using Microsoft Excel and R. Specifically it covers the techniques of weighted sum, AHP,...

Irene Mussio - How concerned are people about climate-related risks to health?


Irene Mussio has an entry on the LUBS Research and Innovation Blog that talks about her research into how people trade off the health risks from climate change against other risks, like traffic accidents.  You can read the blog here