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October publication annoucements


Emmanouil Konstantinidis - Task complexity moderates the influence of descriptions in decisions from experience – Cognition. Citation: Weiss–Cohen, L. W., Konstantinidis, E., Speekenbrink, M., & Harvey, N. (in press). Task complexity moderates the influence of descriptions in decisions from experience. Cognition.

Wandi Bruine de Bruin had a paper accepted by ABS3-rated Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, entitled: "Robustness of Adult Decision-Making Competence: Evidence from an 11-year longitudina study." The paper was written with Andy Parker (RAND Corporation, US), CDR visiting professor Baruch Fischhoff (Carnegie Melon University, US), and recent CDR speaker Josh Weller (Tilburg University, the Netherlands.)

Barbara Summers has published a blog post on the Behavioural Public Policy journal blog “This is where we are – What next?”, responding to an article by Lucia A Reisch and Min Zhao “Behavioural economics, consumer behaviour and consumer policy: State of the art”.  Barbara highlights the value of “habit” research for policies to sustain behaviour change; a policy challenge highlighted by Sunstein in his Issue 1 article “Nudges that fail?”

Ranyard, R. (Ed.) (2017). Economic psychology. Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Book chapters:

  • Antonides, G. & Ranyard, R. (2017). Mental accounting and economic behaviour.
  • Ranyard, R., Ashton, J. & Hebenton, W. (2017) Insurance behaviour and society.
  • Ranyard, R., Del Missier, F., Bonini, N., & Pietrone, D. (2017). The citizen's judgments of prices and inflation.
  • Ranyard, R. & Ferriera, V. (2017). Introduction to economic psychology: the science of economic mental life and behaviour.
  • Ranyard, R., McHugh, S. & McNair, S. (2017). The psychology of borrowing and over-indebtedness.