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Richard Hodgett - EPSRC funded grant Flexichem


The 3 year £1.2million EPSRC funded Flexichem project started on 4th January 2022. The project can be summarised by the image below. Dr. Richard Hodgett will be leading work package 1 that is starting on the 1st February when Dr. David Palma Araneda joins the project team and LUBS. Richard and David will develop a responsive and flexible decision support system for comparing and identifying optimum manufacturing routes using SURE, a method recently developed and published by Richard and Dr. Sajid Siraj. The new decision support system will be evaluated and refined through the application of several case studies co-designed by industry partners (including Britest and Syngenta) and the rest of the project team who include Prof. Richard Bourne (Chemistry / Chemical Engineering at Leeds) who is leading work package 2 and Dr. Natalie Fey (Chemistry at Bristol) who is leading work package 3.