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Richard Hodgett - EPSRC Grant, Flexible Digital Chemical Manufacturing Through Structure/Reactivity Relationships


Richard Hodgett will lead a work package on an EPSRC-funded research project investigating ‘Flexible Digital Chemical Manufacturing Through Structure/Reactivity Relationships’. Richard (Co-I) will be working with Richard Bourne (PI) in Chemical Engineering / Chemistry (Leeds) and Natalie Fey (Co-I) in Chemistry (Bristol). The team will be working closely with a leading global provider of agricultural science and technology and a UK SME who consult on whole process understanding. The project value is £1.48million with the EPSRC contributing £1.18million. The LUBS element of the award will fund a portion of Richard's time, a full time post-doc in LUBS for 3 years and money to travel to various UK and international project meetings.